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7 Tips To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

Losing weight may not be easy, but it’s not as hard as you may think. The simplest ways to kick start your diet are to change your eating habits. Start today by counting calories, keeping a food journal, and m...

5 Amazing Moves To Sculpt Rock-Hard Abs

A strong core improves your posture, balance and endurance; it decreases your risk of back pain, and is a great confidence booster.  Basic crunch moves can be boring, repetitive and ineffective. Nutrition is a ...

Meditation Techniques to Improve Your Game

Meditation Techniques to Improve Your Game The act of meditation is not reserved for Buddhists, yogis, or priests. It does not require a Zen-like space, absolute silence or stillness. Meditation can happen any...

Summer Running: The Long Run

First week back to a full regular summer running training schedule! I crushed 42.03 miles in 5 days of running (I took an extra Sunday off just to be on the safe side this week). Perspective is an amazing thing...

Supplement Smart

Our handy guide breaks down some commonly used workout supplements to identify the good, the questionable and the better-left-on-the-shelf.

Are berries the ultimate energy superfood?!

Delicious, beautiful, sweet, and simple-berries are as healthful as they are diverse. As a snack, in a fruit salad, or for dessert, simply pick, wash, and eat them to reap the nutritional benefits they have to offer. Recent research has focused...