March is Colorectal Awareness Month. Meet two local champions for the colorectal cause.
In May 2009, Vera Owens, an avid runner, went for a routine colonoscopy. “I was doing it every two years because my moth...
Stick to your diet even if you’re dining out with these simple do’s and don’ts.
While it may be tempting to order an entrée that looks and smells worth all the calories, there is always a healthier (and equall...
Because you don’t need to drown your sweetie in calories to show that you care.
Put down the box of chocolates and step away from the chocolate fondue. We’re staging a tiny candy heart intervention and remindi...
This weekend, you can join these brave men and women at Cycling For Fallen Heroes.
“We always say, NEVER FORGET,” says Brotherhood Ride founder Jeff Morse, “but time moves on and people do forget about that da...
Jill Wheeler of the Wellfit Institute Gives Easy Solutions for Keeping your Head In The Game All Year Round.
Q: "I just finished my goal race and now I don't really feel like doing anything. How can I start fe...
When it's 92-year-old John C. Taylor's turn to race at the 2013 Florida Senior Games, he has to call for backup to actually get...
Some athletes are choosing to go under the knife, here’s what you need to know.
Carter Wheeler was proud of how far he'd come. He'd lost more than 100 pounds and become an incredible athlete—feared on many a l...
The best way to catch up with Tish Kelly is when she’s on solid ground. Try and catch the category 3 cyclist on a ride and you’ll likely be left sucking wind. Kelly, who races in both road races and time trials, was third overall in the Florida
There’s something fishy about fish oil supplements.
Each time we interview a nutrition expert, we like to ask this question: What is the one item marketed to athletes that you absolutely will not eat, or that ...
Partner WOD
Partner 1: Lever 80 lb paving stone from the dirt.
Partner 2: Deadlift 80 lb paving stone from the shovel.
Partners: Farmer carry 80 lb paving stone 20 meters and stack.
35 rounds for time