Fit & Fuel 50/20 Youth Haven Benefit Ride
The third annual Fit & Fuel 50 benefiting Youth Haven was held April 13 at Fit & Fuel Bicycle Café. The ride raised $3,000 for Youth Haven, an emergency shelter for at-risk Collier County youngsters. The fourth annual Fit & Fuel 50 Benefiting Youth Haven will be held on from 7 to 11 a.m. on Sunday, April 6.
Time Trial Cycle Grand Opening
Grand opening party photos at Time Trial Cycle, a new indoor spin studio in Naples, FL. Fit Nation was there to help welcome the new studio to the area.
Fit Nation’s Define Bottle Sweepstakes
This week we're giving away two fruit infused Define water bottles!
Each daily entry will automatically enter you into the Grand Prize drawing to win 5 Days of FitFamily Plus Meals (3 meals/day for 1 person)...
Workout Plans To Convert Strength to Power
Plyometrics workout plans build strength and pack a calorie-walloping punch
At Total Athletic Performance (T.A.P.) of Naples, certified personal trainers Derek Touchette and Andrew Miranti use plyometrics work...
FN Box Battles presented by PhysioFit: Who to Watch
Tomorrow, Box Battles begins at Lover’s Key State Park at 8 a.m. The two-day event will feature CrossFit athletes of all ability levels and ages, and is the first CrossFit event to be held in SWFL. Here’s what ...