YOGA: Say namaste to these zen-ful treats

yogi holiday guide

Kimberly is wearing lululemon

 Rosey Yogi Mat Cleaner Purify your mat with a refreshing rose, lavender, peppermint, purified water and vinegar infusion. 2-oz atomizer bottle. Ruby and Pearls Boutique, Ft. Myers,

Bodhi Tree Mala Company Good for the soul (and your neck). Made locally from natural materials, these handmade gemstone and Tibetan style 108-bead mala necklaces also help support a yoga mama’s small business. Ruby and Pearls Boutique, Ft. Myers,

Wanderlust Collection Yoga Mat Stickers Put your favorite inspiring phrase right on your mat. Ruby and Pearl Boutique, Ft. Myers,

Funky Yoga Be Mindful Tank Made with eco-friendly inks and the best American and Peruvian cotton. Ruby and Pearls Boutique, Ft. Myers,