A good coach is born, not made. Here’s how to know if you have one.
I rolled up on my brand new bike, my tags-just-removed spandex shorts giving off the distinct smell of newb.
“Hi, I’m here to join the cy...
Put your money where your muscle is by giving to one of these charities this holiday season.
Sports give so much to our lives—from giving us goals to pursue to training partners to giggle with and even grantin...
Who to watch this year as local high school sports heat up
It's dark and humid as a small group gathers on the track. Even though it’s not yet 7 a.m., it’s already almost 90-degrees. Still, no one complains.
Tempers are at an all-time high, here’s what you need to know when cycling
It all started innocently enough. Local photographer and cyclist Erik Kellar was cycling with his usual Tuesday morning group. He’d pu...
Here’s How To Take Better Selfies
When it comes to gym selfies, there's a lot that can go wrong. One false move and suddenly you're *that* guy on the Internet: An overnight sensation—and not in a good way.
Just when you thought it was safe to get in the water…
Two years ago, the Park-to-Pier swim was over almost as soon as it started. The day began innocently enough. Athletes lined the water’s edge as they mad...
Naples MMA athlete Mike King is fighting his way to the top.
There’s no shortage of drama in the video trailer for the 2014 season of “The Ultimate Fighter.” Fists meeting faces in glorious slow motion as a ch...
If The Gordon Pass Challenge Doesn’t Get You Ripped, Nothing Will.
If you’ve ever been out on Naples Beach and seen a herd of super-fit humans hurdling by, you’ve probably just witnessed the Gordon Pass Challe...
Seriously, it’s time to get outside!
This year, Chicago had its third-snowiest year in recorded history. After almost a week of warm spring weather, on April 16th, New Englanders woke up to snow. And Virginia ...
Naples woman brings little critters on board her bicycle and saves their lives.
Tish Kelly was just riding home after Monday morning’s Naples Velo ride when a recently killed opossum caught her eye. ...