The art of “juicing” has made a social splash, but anyone who’s attempted a standoff with their home juicer understands the fiscal and physical mess left in its pulpy wake. Face it: organic juice is amazing for health, but a tricky habit to maintain at home. Enter Joyful Juicing; a grab-and-go option offering highly regarded cold-pressed juice and guiltless, energy-packed snacks and meals.

Increased interest in wellness and nutrition, and curiosity regarding juicing itself, has people asking what this juice business is all about. A variety of options exist concerning the juicer, both in-home and commercially. Masticating. Centrifugal. Cold press. The options and their benefits can seem overwhelming. So let’s begin with the most straightforward scenario: at-home juicing.

A trip is made to the store, buying only organic produce (armloads even, cringing when the cashier declares the total). The organic delights are hauled home and it’s time get to business. An hour and a half later, a once-clean kitchen is splattered with the innards of innocent strawberries, floor tiles are smeared with the guts of a rogue pineapple chunk, and, having forgotten about the juice stream, you spy a river of green lava flowing from the counter top. All of this madness for a glass of juice barely halfway full and a totally depleted supply of ingredients. And there’s still dinner to make tonight.

Blogs portray juicing as a wonderful thing, showcasing a full glass of juice surrounded by ample fruits and veggies, praising the “Juice Revolution.” The truth is, juicing is a wonderful thing, but the reality of juicing at home is far less glamorous, absorbing precious hours and energy.

Related: All Bottled Up: The Pressures Of Juice Processing

So you’re coordinating juicing at home into your schedule, but knowing what to juice, and why, is another feat in itself.

Determining which produce to juice varies for every consumer. What tastes good? What are the benefits? Maybe starting with similar colors or flavors is a good place to begin. Sure, that sounds delicious, but are you actually getting what you need from the juice?

Each variety of produce has a wondrous assortment of health benefits, but sustenance varies from plant to plant. Some reduce inflammation, provide antioxidants, and offer a rainbow of various flavonoids. Others dose your body with high levels of essential vitamins. Some help prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, and provide essential amino acids while others aid in digestion.

Grab-and-go healthy options focus on providing balanced nutrients conveniently, effectively, and deliciously. Americans are accustomed to a fast pace. Providing speedy, nutritious options fulfills the customer’s need for time management and swift gratification.

Check out some grab-and-go options from Joyful Juicing:

Glorious Greens: Joyful Juicing produces a varied selection of green options, combining an array of essential daily greens. Each beautiful amalgamation of nutrients is served in either 16oz or 8oz recycle-friendly bottles. For a full day of energy, or a boost through your afternoon, these concoctions of deep, leafy greens, roots, and fruits make drinking healthy feel like an indulgence.

Cold-Brewed Coffee: Capturing the scent of raw coffee and translating that sensation into an equally attractive taste is a difficult feat. Increased acidity levels leave hot-brewed coffee with a bitter aftertaste. Cold-brewed coffee has emerged at Joyful Juicing, offering intelligently designed versions of your favorite habit. Healthy, delectable and perfectly balanced, these coffees hold their own against the “best cup of joe” you’ve ever had. Don’t be surprised if skipping Starbucks for a cold brew starts to seem perfectly acceptable.

Guilt-Free Meals & Treats: Fast-food options rarely offer truly organic options, and ingredient origins are often questionable. The treats and meals at Joyful Juicing provide guilt-free indulgences and expertly nutritionally balanced meals. Now your midday feed accomplishes what it’s meant to: fueling your body and your brain.

Joyful Juicing Grab-and-Go options are made with 100% organic local produce and triple washed in purified water. Pressing a juice of this quality consumes six to eight hours a day! While DIY is awesome, sometimes it’s more fun to let the other guys do it!

Visit Joyful Juicing, 1035 Collier Center Way #10 in Naples
Monday–Friday, 8:30am to 5pm
Phone at 239.908.6879 or email at